Statutory Objection Notice Phone Mast

The installation of electronic communications apparatus under paragraph 75(2) of schedule 3A of the communications act 2003.

Here is a picture of the rights a person has to object to a phone mast installation once its already been installed at a site. I believe this notice, or a very similar worded one, will or should be present at all public phone mast sites in the UK. It should be visible on the electrical cabinets [those off-white electrical boxes usually at ground level] that power the tower.


This particular notice is from Hutchison 3G UK Ltd ["Three"]. And the site in question is in the UK. Address: Chester Road SW - B35 7EY. Cell reference: BHM654. More in this area. Please see the picture above enlarged at full size [around 1.5mb] to read the whole statement. I left the image big so you can read it quite easily. Open image in new tab.

The networks that use this 5G phone mast are: Hutchison 3G UK LTD ["Three"] and EE LTD.

Basically, if the criteria is met, a person / business / land owner etc has the right to complain [under paragraph 77 of the code] within 12 months of the phone mast being installed. After that time period has gone, it states the circumstances in which a court may uphold an objection are significantly more limited. So, in most cases, after 1 year you're out of luck, and the mast is there to stay.

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